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Produced and mixed by Superstar CHAZAM for Bad Floppy Datas during year 2013 at ALTITUDE SANS STUDIO, Bruxelles.
All texts, compositions, instruments and voices by Your Chazam except where notified up there. Mastering by Nicolas at Angstrom studio Bruxelles, jan 2014.
Cover picture and graphisms by Chazam,
Red costume by Wonder Gaelle.
Super thanks to Helene Lagoutte.
Thanks to Stephanie, Eva Dinamita, Hara-Odyssea, Kristina,
Paul les oiseaux, Jim Neo Angin, Margarita Camacho, Lazaro,
Nele Tres Bulle, Piknik, Igor Amus, Polovina family, Jozefina Amsterdamski, Sanja and her mother, Teuk Henri, Dries, Lucia Sanchez, Nino, lei ragazzi da Roma per la traduzione.Pensado a Jorge Camacho, por siempre en el verano.
see a demo here : youtu.be/livWS4TgEC0
This album exists in VINYL ref BFD001
BOOK your Superstar Chazam new live trio astounding show.
Contact, sollicitate synchro, purchase older stuff
via the tremendous website : WWW.CHAZAM.ORGreleased 22 January 2014
tags: electronic easy-listening electronica films-scores loungecore vintage Bruxelles
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